What we do:
Network Data Security Experts (NDSE) provides complete, flat-rate network support for businesses in Virginia and Washington D.C. NDSE’s flexible and dependable computer services help companies focus on achieving their business goals instead of worrying about technology.
How Meadows Urquhart stepped into our shoes:
When I’m working with Meadows Urquhart, I know everything is done right. We’ve had relatively fast growth, and Meadows Urquhart has been able to handle that growth and advise us on good business decisions. When I bought out a former business partner, they helped me through the process. They brought in other resources to do a thorough valuation on the company and document our accounting procedures.
When I began looking for a new in-house bookkeeper, David Acree evaluated job candidates, gave me feedback on the finalists and really helped me find the right person. We’re now considering expanding into North and South Carolina, and I’ll always reach out to Dave and talk to him before making a move, just to make sure we do the right things.
— CEO and Founder Frank Ernesto IV